Sharon 2024 Candidates

2024 Sharon Election Candidates

Sharon Select Board Candidate Statements

Sam Liao

Sam Liao

I have been a resident of Sharon for over 30 years, and raised my family here. I have a PhD from MIT, an MBA from BU, and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil and Environmental engineering from Cornell University. The second part of my degrees — Environmental Engineering has recently come to be at the forefront of issues of managing to mitigate the impact of global climate change. Professionally, I have been a Project Manager at various companies and on projects in Boston & globally, and have managed the design and construction support of projects with capital costs in the billions of dollars. I am currently serving on three Town committees: The Selection Committee for the Standing Building Committee, the Personnel Board (soon be renamed as the Human Resources Board), and Transportation Advisory Board. In the past I’ve served on other Committees, including the Capital Outlay Committee & the Priorities (operating budget) Committee. Most extensively. I’ve served on the SchoolCommittee for 11 years, including 3 years as the  Chair.
I’m running for Select Board to continue to serve the citizens of Sharon: To make the world a better place – my World, our Place is Sharon. To Conserve, Preserve, and Serve Sharon—its diversity, recreational and community institutions, its schools, businesses, woodlands, the Lake, ponds, and the environment, for the Town to continue to be a great place to live. This year there seems to be a lot of interest in the school committee election, and I want to commend all the candidates who are running. I think it’s great that there’s so much interest and willingness to volunteer.
However, I want to note that I’m the Select Board candidate who has experience of being a School Committee member and offer to work with the School Committee on issues that affect our town. But my focus would not just be working with the School Committee, but also with the
Finance Committee, the Planning Board, and all the other Boards and Committees in Town to work collaboratively with everyone — to bring our Town together.

Xander Shapiro

Xander Shapiro

Hello, Sharon residents! I’m Xander Shapiro, and I’m running for the Select Board. As you head to the polls on May 21st, I ask for your support.

Leadership and Experience

  • Current Vice Chair, Planning Board (Elected)
  • Current member, Sharon Housing Authority (Elected)
  • Current member, Municipal Solar Oversight Committee (Select Board Appointed)
  • Current member, Economic Development Committee (Select Board Appointed)
  • General manager of a $150 million division in a Fortune 1000 company
  • Co-founder of a startup focused on tackling food waste
  • Over 20 years of service on nonprofit, civic, and industry boards, including 3 years as Board Chair


  • Leading community engagement efforts for Sharon’s municipal solar projects which deliver $750,000 annually
  • Helped increase financial stability of Sharon Housing Authority (doubling cash reserves)
  • Developed economic growth plans to support small businesses and diversify town revenue sources

Personal Background

  • Live next to Massapoag Trail with my amazing teenage son Jacob, our cat, and dog
  • Active member of Temple Sinai, Sharon Community Chorus, and past Chair of Green Day for the Sustainable Sharon Coalition
  • Hold a BA from Yale and an MBA from UC Berkeley


  • Ensuring the town is effectively and collaboratively run within our means
  • Supporting our excellent schools and the town’s athletic facilities
  • Championing the concerns of long term residents
  • Improving our small business climate and growing our commercial base where possible
  • Reducing our carbon footprint through local solar initiatives and infrastructure
  • Helping rebuild some of the sense of community and belonging that many of you tell me has faded in the past couple of months.

For four decades, I’ve prioritized community service, and being elected to the Select Board would allow me to serve Sharon even more effectively.

We have much to celebrate in our town – excellent schools, open spaces, a diverse community, local businesses, and strong public safety.

If elected, I promise to listen and lead to deliver for Sharon.

I respectfully ask for your vote on May 21st.

School Committee Candidate Statements

Toben Asklar

Hi, I’m Toben Asklar. I’m running for Sharon School Committee because I love my kids, and I identify and empathize with Sharon children and families and their many educational journeys. I care about the educational support and success of the children who are coming up and teens who are finishing up in high school. I’m steeped in the realities of my kids’ schooling. My own public schooling, access to the classes I wanted, notions of where I belonged, how I found social groups, my higher education, work and volunteer experiences; my parenthood —those struggles and successes as a couple raising our kids and helping them navigate and succeed in Sharon Public Schools— all inform my wish to serve our Sharon students, educators, families, & our town.

Our children are the best of us. I can’t imagine a better way to serve. They are my why.

Much of my background prepares me for a Sharon School Committee seat. Among my roles — I am a parent of three children (Heights graduates, now SMS and SHS students) and I am an appointed official in Sharon town government and currently the Chair of the Sharon DEIC. I am a Purdue- and UMass- educated professional who worked in secondary and higher education settings for more than 25 years, an adjunct professor, a writer, a team player, a coach, and a former union member. I have a strong understanding of priorities, strategic planning, obligations, fiscal responsibility, evaluations, and mandates involved in the operation of large-scale educational institutions. If elected on May 21, I will show up ready to do the work of the School Committee with all of these experiences aligned toward student belonging, access, and success in the Sharon Public Schools.

Lauren Grasso

I would like to extend a thank you to the League of Women Voters of Sharon-Stoughton, my fellow candidates, and the residents of Sharon. Your participation in this local election process reflects your commitment to our town.

For those of you who do not know me, My name is Lauren Grasso and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to run for school committee. I hold a deep appreciation for community, education, and being of service. Taking on the role of a school committee member is a beautiful union of these values. As a resident of Sharon for the last ten years, I have been immersed in this vibrant community.  I believe district leadership can unify our diverse town and build educational spaces that truly reflect our student population. I will utilize the skill set I have developed over the years as a social worker to have a positive impact. I am approachable. This will allow me to uplift the voices, thoughts, and experiences of our community members, striving to amplify those who are less heard. Deep listening will support me in effectively communicating with other school committee members, teachers, administrators, families in the district, and the larger community. Social work training and practice revolves around reflection, leading to strong collaboration, the ability to hold multiple perspectives, and utilizing creativity to planfully move forward. I believe these traits will lead to a meaningful contribution, supporting the committee in leveraging connections and resources to shape a robust educational experience for our students. My hope is to encourage empowerment within the town of Sharon to reach a greater sense of community, connection, and growth through our schools.

Jeremy Kay

I am running for the School Committee to give parents a greater voice and ensure that our budget is being well spent on our children’s future. Having grown up in this town and with a young daughter, I have a personal investment in our community’s success and a deep understanding of our values. My professional background in corporate strategy and finance, coupled with an MBA from the University of Chicago, has equipped me with the skills needed to accomplish these goals. My expertise in strategic financial management and data-driven decision-making is crucial for addressing the current budgeting headwinds our district faces. I have experience driving decisions across various organizational functions, setting strategic priorities, and communicating the rationale for those decisions to stakeholders. Addressing the significant issues of transparency and communication is a major focus for me, and I am committed to making substantial improvements in these areas.

Ahmed Ali Mohamed

Dear Sharon resident,

As a parent of three children, two of whom are currently in elementary school, I am fully invested in the future of Sharon Public Schools. My commitment runs deep, as I strive to create a better educational environment for all students.

I have a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from SUNY Binghamton, I work in the semiconductor industry. Every day, I am faced with unique challenges that push me to think outside the box and find creative solutions. My dedication to problem-solving is unwavering, as I gather data, seek guidance from experts, and utilize analytical thinking to drive informed decisions.

I firmly believe that my problem-solving skills and analytical mindset could be invaluable assets to the school committee. By making decisions based on solid data rather than guesswork, I am confident that I can help shape a brighter future for our school system.

My priorities are clear – I am committed to promoting strong academic programs, advocating for financial responsibility, and fostering unity within our diverse community. I believe in celebrating our differences while coming together as one cohesive unit.

I am ready to stand up for what I believe in and fight for the betterment of our schools. Together, we can make a real difference.

Thank you.

Allan Motenko

Hello, my name is Allan Motenko. I was born in Sharon, went to East Elementary, SMS, and graduated from Sharon High School in 2002. While extracurricular activities and school work were my focus, I was also the kid who religiously started watching school committee meetings freshman year on SCTV.

I moved back to Sharon in 2022 because this is home, and my 4 best friends came back too. I am running for School Committee because nothing is more important to the success of my hometown than its schools, and I believe I have unique life experience to offer.

As the only person in this race to go through at least 14 years of Special Education as a student in Sharon, I know how challenging it can be to get the services you need for your child to be successful, and at other times having to advocate that their disabilities should not prevent them taking an honors class or two.

As someone who spent nearly twenty years as a college admissions counselor, I know that every student in Sharon benefits when Sharon is seen as having the most rigorous honors and AP curriculum.

I know too that the Sharon High School guidance counselors write some of the most thorough college recommendation letters in the country because I’ve seen it first hand.

I have spent fifteen years working in state government on disability policy, Human Resources, and Equal Employment Opportunity. I am responsible for protecting the civil rights of individuals with vastly different views and backgrounds. And I have been entrusted to use taxpayer money to educate and raise awareness about different cultures and ethnicities without ever taking sides or wading into political waters. And most importantly, I have worked to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment, and bullying wherever I’ve found it. I believe this expertise is needed on the School Committee now more than ever.

I believe in greater transparency, public comment, and timely communication than the current school committee and school administration often provide.

But I also believe that the current school committee has worked collaboratively and tirelessly because they care deeply about the students and families in this town. You can expect no different from me.

If elected, I am aware that I will be the third member of the SHS Class of 2002 on the School Committee. While we grew up and remain friends, we are independent adults with vastly different life experiences, views, and approaches. Perhaps the only thing that unites us for sure is our affection for our hometown and commitment to supporting the Sharon Public Schools to be the best they can be.

If you have questions, want to learn more about me, or share your perspective, please reach out via

I hope to earn your vote on May 21st. Thank you.

Dan Newman

Thank you, League of Women Voters. I’m Dan Newman. I’m a candidate for Sharon School Committee.

My wife and I have three children in Sharon. We’re members of Temple Israel. I’m an attorney. I’m a school council representative and PTO member. I also run a parent newsletter in Sharon with hundreds of families subscribed.

My entire family are teachers, including my wife, my parents, and my brother. My father was the principal of Attleboro High School. I have a special appreciation for the hard work of our teachers and administrators.

Sharon deserves to be a top school district. Sharon’s families pay among the highest taxes and rightfully have high expectations for our schools. The job of our schools is to teach students the skills they need to be successful. Parents in Sharon deserve a professional School Committee that represents them.

I appreciate your invitation to Candidates Night and look forward to attending.

Veronica Wiseman

My name is Veronica Wiseman, and I am running for reelection to the Sharon School Committee. If elected this will be my fourth full term. I received a BFA in Theatre Performance from Boston University and then earned an MA in speech language pathology from UMASS Amherst with a specialty in augmentative and alternative communication. Twenty-six years ago, I married Howard Wiseman (SHS Class of 1977), and we settled in Sharon because of its diversity, natural beauty and great schools. When our eldest daughter Giovanna started kindergarten at Heights Elementary, I followed behind the bus on her first day and never left. I have crossed paths with so many of you through my service in support of the PTSO’s, SEF, FAME, Sharon Girl Scouts and Sharon TV. Most importantly, I’ve spent ten of the past

twelve years on the Sharon School Committee working productively with five superintendents. I have built relationships of trust with our town officials and members of other town committees, as well as the leadership of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees and METCO. I have collaborated with a generation of dedicated Sharon educators, grappling with the persistent and unique challenges we face. I have the energy to continue the work. With your vote, I pledge to keep our children at the center of decision making. To do that, I believe we must champion our professional educators, and provide them the support and resources they need to deliver on the promise of excellence and equity in our schools. Election Day is May 21, 2024. SHS 8:00AM-7:00PM.