Click on the icons to be directed to the appropriate area of the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s election division
You may submit an application to register or pre-register to vote in Massachusetts if:
You are a citizen of the United States; and
You are 16 years old; and
You are not currently incarcerated by reason of a felony conviction.
If you meet the above requirements, you may apply online, by mail, or in-person.
The deadline to register to vote in any election or regular town meeting is ten (10) days prior to the date of the election or meeting. The deadline to register to vote in a special town meeting is ten (10) days prior to the special town meeting.

Voting Information
Election Day
Polls are open 7 AM–8 PM. If you’re in line by 8 PM, you’re allowed to vote.
Be sure to bring an accepted form of ID, if required
Who can vote early
Any voter registered in Massachusetts is eligible to vote early in person
ID requirements
You may need to show ID if one of the following applies to you:
You’re voting for the first time in Massachusetts
Your registration status is inactive because you haven’t voted recently
The poll worker has some reasonable suspicion that leads them to request ID
You have to complete a provisional or challenged ballot at the polls
If asked to show an ID to a poll worker, you may show one of the following documents that shows your name and address:
A Massachusetts driver’s license
A Massachusetts-issued ID
How to Submit a Citizen Petition Article for Town Meeting
Interested in getting your own article on the warrant for town meeting? These guidelines from the Town of Hingham explain the process.
How to Submit a Citizen Petition Article for Town Meeting
And this document will help you prepare for presenting your article to the Board of Selectmen and the Advisory Committee.